Directory of Musicians & Professionals

Our 2008 directory was out of date. These entries are a start on the new one. To be included, email your information to

Displaying 26 - 34 of 34

 Name Instrument Email Phone Comments 
Noah SeitzCello, Guitar, VoiceEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(503) 569-0051
Marvel Vigilflute, alto flute, piccoloEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(541) 738-2796Albany/Corvallis/Philomath area
Rand BakerCelloEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(503) 339-7742I have a great place to rehearse, including a grand piano
Kate RatcliffeviolinEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(206) 724-8550
Ryan BabecelloEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(503) 881-9765Currently a music student at Rice University, but live in Salem and am here for large stretches of the year. Am interested in any opportunities to perform, work, or teach.
Chong Kee Tan pianoEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(503) 400-8357
Bob RindyviolinEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(503) 881-0196
Jey Wannrecorders (Sp, SATB), violin, voiceEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(503) 881-7703Definitely a bit rusty on the violin:-)  I mostly perform early music, but am happy to explore other eras!
Joan Haaland Paddocktrumpets, including piccolo trumpet, cornets, flugelhorn, and Scandinavian Wooden Trumpet (Lur)Email hidden; Javascript is required.(503) 474-7345Chamber Musician, Concert Bands, Opera, Orchestral player, Soloist, Cultural Presenter and teacher of all ages of trumpet players.
 Name Instrument Email Phone Comments